lundi 8 septembre 2008

Why CEOs fail

J'ai lu ca dans le journal et je me suis dit que j'allais en faire une chaine. Une chaine utile. On est pas des CEO (Chief Executive Officer = PDG) mais tout entrepreneur est un CEO potentiel pas vrai ? :)

Ce sont les 11 raisons pour lesquelles les CEO echouent. Ca vient d'un livre du meme titre (Why CEOs Fail) de David L. Dotlich et Peter C. Cairo. J'ai decidé de me les appliquer a moi meme et de voir si ca me correspondait. Et tant qu'a faire je n'ai traduit ni les questions, ni mes réponses !

Voici donc pourquoi beaucoup de CEO échouent. Et vous ?

- Arrogance: you think that you're right and everyone else is wrong.
This may be true in my private life, but not in my business life. I like to get everyone's opinion. Even if at the end of the day, I'm the one who decide :)

- Melodrama: you need to be the centre of attention.
That's just not me!

- Volatility: you're subject to mood swings.
Nope, but this is true that I meet a lot of entrepreneurs who change of ideas more often that they would change their shirt (even in a sweating country like Thailand!).

- Excessive Caution: you're afraid to make decisions.
Not at all, but sometimes I think too much about it.

- Habitual Distrust: you focus on the negatives.
No, but I give too much attention to negatives, that's for sure.

- Aloofness: you're disengaged and disconnected.
I am single yes, but I've got a Nokia :)

- Mischievousness: you believe that rules are made to be broken.
That one is true :) I thought this would be a benefit in doing business. I may have to read this book!

- Eccentricity: you try to be different just for the sake of it.
No way. Even my scooter is a basic one. Hype but basic.

- Passive Resistance: what you say is not what you really believe.
What I say is what you get!

- Perfectionism: you get the little things right and the big things wrong.
That's a tough one, but I would say no.

- Eagerness to Please: you are trying to win a popularity contest.
Business is not about making friends. No!

Bon, ben résultat des courses, if i play by the rules, j'ai aucune raison d'échouer :D

Comme c'est une ma chaine, je refile ca a JH, Miss A et D, JC de Maisonneuve, Aurelien et Gertrude (si elle passe toujours par ici).

"Cochon qui sent des pieds" comme on dit.

2 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Je suis discrète, mais je passe :)

D. et MissA a dit…

Etant a HK, tres peu pour nous les prisons... chinoises!
Par reflexe, on aime se liberer des chaines de l'oppresseur... qu'elles soient de l'amitie, de montage ou pire: CEO-related ;)
